
About fanworks:

You are allowed to make fanworks based on my content. Fanworks include, but are not limited to: fanart, fanfic, doujin, games, animations, photo manipulation, video edits, 3d models, etc.

Both commercial and non-commercial use is allowed, with no limits. However, please credit me for whatever the original idea was (be it a character, setting, plot, etc.).

Anything you produce with my content must be under share-alike copyright. Please refer to the section on copyright below for further clarification.

Please do not contact me for permission to make a fanwork — permission is implicit and explicit on this page (as long as it falls within the guidelines). However, feel free to contact me to show me your fanworks, or to ask any questions you may have about any of my content (stories, characters, lore, etc.)

About translations:

You are allowed to translate my work into other languages that I am not able to translate them to — i.e. excluding English and Spanish.

If you're looking to translate my content, I'd appreciate it if you'd get in contact with me. That way, I can directly answer any and all questions you might have, and I can also directly link to your translation once you've posted it.

When posting a translation, even if you didn't contact me, I'd prefer it if you would link directly to the original content.

Disallowed content:
  1. Content that is illegal, or used to assist in illegal activities.
  2. Content that is used to foment hate speech, bigotry, or discrimination of any kind.
  3. Content that is used to aid in harassment or defamation.
  4. Content that is not credited properly and/or does not follow the copyright notice.


All content on this website that is produced by me is distributed under a Share-Alike license*. The purpose of this is to allow others to use the content present on this site (such as characters, locations, species, lore, etc.) in their own work, freely, without worrying about being sued.

In order to make use of any of my content in that way, you must abide by the following restrictions:

  1. Your work must also be under the Share-Alike license, with no extra restrictions added.
  2. You can not claim ownership over content that is not made originally by you. However, if the content has been modified significantly (such as, for example, a variant of a species made by me, an alternate universe version of one of my characters or a mod of one of my games), you are allowed to claim ownership. Very simple modifications, such as simple palette swaps or name changes, do not suffice.
  3. Credit must be adequately provided for each element you are using in your work, in a way considered sufficient by the person being credited as long as it's within reason. For example, if you use a character of mine and of person A, you should credit both me and person A.
  4. Your content must abide by the guidelines stated above, especially regarding forbidden content.

If you're looking to credit me, the format "X thing by denjidenji" is enough. If you want to add a link to it, please link, not any social media profile.

*The only content that does not strictly apply to this is content I was commissioned to make for someone else, and content based on pre-existing content (i.e. fanworks).

Regarding commissioned content: Once I finish a piece and am paid for it, the full rights of the image now belong to the person who commissioned me. This means that they decide whether the image should stick to my copyright guidelines or not — but it's best to assume they don't, just to be safe.

Regarding fan works: Personally, I am perfectly fine with others using my fan characters and locations, but with fan works one always runs into a bit of a legal mess. If you're going to use any of my content, please keep whatever you produce at a hobbyist/non-profit level just like I do. Other than that, feel free to do whatever you want with it as long as it's within the law.

I reserve the right to change my guidelines, terms of service, or copyright notice at any time with no prior notice.

I assume no responsibility for any damages caused by derivative content or by failure to comply with these requests.