About the Website

Welcome to my website! This site has multiple purposes, which I'll try to explain here to the best of my ability. First and foremost, it's meant to be a repository of my characters, worldbuilding info, lore, and other such things. It also contains either my projects themselves, or links to where they can be found, if they need to be stored somewhere else (such as games or videos). It's also used for blogging, and I'll post on occasion my thoughts on different things (though this will happen less often). It's also where I'll post my fanart and various ramblings on my favorite media, and whatever other fanworks I produce.

Overall, it's a pretty varied website that will contain a little bit of everything! Feel free to browse only the parts that interest you, as there is a lot of different content. And remember to check back from time to time, as I'll make sure to update it as often as I can!

About the author

Picture above depicts my sona.

Hi, I'm denjidenji, also known as Nicolas. I'm a hobbyist artist, writer, game designer, animator, illustrator, and pretty much everything else that catches my eye lol. I'm 21 and from Argentina. I'm bilingual - I speak English and Spanish, and am currently learning Japanese. I have a little mutt called Hades whom I adore with all my life.

I specialize, so to speak, on character design and development. I'd describe myself as more of an "idea person", in the sense that I have a lot of ideas that I love to work on and develop, but rarely do they materialize in actual tangible projects. I'm always working on at least 5 different things at the same time, although my attention isn't equally divided amongst all of them. My characters mean a lot to me, so I would never be willing to sell them or to give them away, but I'm pretty happy with sharing them and with accepting criticism that can make them (and my writing) even better!


Websites I am active on:

reddit: denjidenj1

toyhouse: denjidenji

youtube: denjidenji

Websites I rarely frequent:

tumblr: denjidenji

deviantart: denjidenji

twitter: denjidenj1

NSFW twitter: XbloodybelovedX

flightrising: denjidenji

I have other social media as well, but I never pop up there at all, so it's not even worth it to add it here.


business email: Coming Soon

Please only contact me for business inquiries, questions or other things that are important. Do not DM me on any social media, I am either not active there, can't see it (I use RIF to browse Reddit, it does not show PMs), or will see it but not respond.